新奇事件簿 运动因社交媒体而风靡(在线收听

A new study has shown that physical activity and exercise are 'contagious' because of social media. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) discovered that people who post details of their exercise patterns and achievements on social media sites motivate and encourage other people to be more active. Researchers tracked the exercise routines of 1.1 million runners over a period of five years. They looked at the geographic location of the runners, their social network use, distance, time, pace and the calories they burned. The researchers concluded that sharing personal exercise data via social media can inspire others to exercise more, exercise harder and do so more competitively.


The journal 'Nature Communications' has published the research. The study includes detailed accounts of how inspiring it can be to read about a friend's physical activity. Researchers said: "On average, an additional kilometre run by friends can inspire someone to run an additional three-tenths of a kilometre, and an additional ten minutes run by friends can inspire someone to run three minutes longer." The study said social media improved the performance of runners who had been a little slower or less in shape, and of those who were showing signs of overtaking a friend's performance. Researcher Sinan Aral said: "In general, if you run more, it is likely that you can cause your friends to run more."

《自然沟通》杂志出版了他们的研究结果。研究包括阅读朋友的体育活动内容多么激励人心方面的详细内容。研究人员说:“平均来看,朋友每多跑一千米,就可以鼓励其他人多跑0.3千米,朋友多跑10分钟就可以激励其他人多跑三分钟。”研究表示,社交媒体可以提高原本比较缓慢或体型不太好的跑步者或者想要赶上朋友的人的表现。研究员Sinan Aral说:“总的来说,如果你跑得更多,很有可能你也会激励朋友跑得更多。”
