新奇事件簿 涉嫌性别歧视女性课程被改(在线收听

A high school in Canada has come under fierce criticism on the Internet for a women's studies course it offered to its female students. The online backlash was because the course included what many believed to be sexist subjects that were unfit and inappropriate for women in the 21st century. These included 'polite conversation,' dinner party etiquette, and 'nail application skills'. There was also a subject titled: "How to enhance your style by using tips and tricks designed for your face and body shape". The course also had lessons on the basics of web design, reproductive health, the role of women in history, and a look at how beauty is seen by the media and different cultures around the world.


Among those who were shocked by the syllabus was actress and singer Siobhan Bryn. She wrote: "This is unbelievably sexist. Women's studies is not fashion and putting on a lunch." She asked: "Was this designed in the 1950's? Can you get someone who knows about women's studies to design this course?" Activist Meg Fenway said: "This is profoundly offensive and disrespectful." The school has since pulled the subjects from the syllabus. A spokesman said: "I know the way it comes across looks like we're supporting stereotyping girls….We want to do the best by our kids. We want them to have a positive image and build self-esteem. We want them to analyze things critically."

为这个课程提纲感到震惊的人包括女演员和歌手Siobhan Bryn。她写道:“这是令人难以置信的性别歧视问题。女性课程并不是时尚和午餐。”她问道:“这些课程是上世纪50年代设计的吗?你们能不能让了解女性的人来设计课程?”活动家Meg Fenway说:“这是对女性深刻的冒犯和不尊重。”这所学校从那时候起已经从课程设计中取消了这些科目。一名发言人表示:“我知道,这些课程看上去好像我们支持用老一套来教导我们的女生。其实我们想孩子们得到最好的教育。我们希望她们树立积极向上的形象,希望他们建立起自信。我们希望他们能够批判性地看待问题。”
