新奇事件簿 美国对朝鲜失去耐心(在线收听

The Vice President of the USA, Mike Pence, said on Monday that US-North Korea relations have changed. Mr Pence said the "era of strategic patience is over". Pence said that the USA has shown great patience with North Korea for many years. It has tried talking to North Korea to get it to end its nuclear weapons testing. However, new U.S. President Donald Trump promised he would not allow North Korea to develop nuclear weapons. Pence said: "Since 1992, the United States and our allies have stood together for a denuclearized Korean Peninsula. We hope to achieve this objective through peaceable means. But all options are on the table." One of these options is to attack North Korea's missile bases.

美国副总统麦克·彭斯(Mike pence)于周一表示,美国和朝鲜之间的关系已经发生改变。彭斯表示,“战略性忍耐的时代已经过去”。彭斯表示,过去多年来,美国一直对朝鲜表现初极大的耐心。美国一直试图与朝鲜对话,说服它终止核武器试验。然而,新任美国总统唐纳德·特朗普承诺他不会允许朝鲜制造核武器。彭斯表示:“自1992年以来,美国和我们的盟国一直团结一致,试图敦促朝鲜半岛无核化。我们希望通过和平的方式达到这个目标。但是所有的选择都已经摆在桌上了。”其中一个选择就是攻击朝鲜的导弹基地。

Mr Pence's warning to North Korea to not test the USA came the day after North Korea tested another missile. Pence said North Korea's missile testing is a danger to the USA. He said North Korea would soon have missiles that can reach America. North Korea's Vice Foreign Minister Han Song-ryol told the BBC that his country would continue to test missiles. He said: "We'll be conducting more missile tests on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis." He added that an "all-out war" would happen if the US took military action against North Korea. North Korea's ambassador to the UN, Kim In-ryong, said the US was "disturbing global peace and stability". He said the USA was using "gangster-like logic" in its foreign policy.

朝鲜再次试射导弹后,彭斯警告朝鲜不要挑衅美国的耐心。彭斯说,朝鲜的导弹测试对美国来说是一个威胁。他说,朝鲜很快就将研发出射程可以到达美国的导弹。朝鲜外务省副部长韩成烈(Han Song-ryol)告诉BBC,朝鲜将继续试射导弹。他说:“我们每周,每月,每年都将进行更多导弹试射。”他补充说,如果美国对朝鲜采取军事行动,将导致战争全面爆发。朝鲜驻联合国大使金仁龙(Kim In Ryong)表示,美国是在“破坏全球和平与稳定”。他说,美国在外交政策方面使用的是强盗逻辑。
