新奇事件簿 睡觉是人生最大的小确幸(在线收听

British people have voted a good night's sleep as life's "greatest little pleasure". The Batchelors Cup-A-Soup company conducted a survey into what gave Britons most pleasure. Bed activities filled four of the top ten spots. Cuddling a loved one in bed came third, having a lie-in was fifth and sleeping in freshly-washed sheets sixth. Finding 10 ($16) in your pocket was life’s second greatest pleasure for Brits. Also in the top ten were crying with laughter, making someone smile and catching up with an old friend. There were plenty of things in the list that most people around the world would agree with. These include realizing that your queue in the supermarket is the one moving fastest, and at number 50, popping bubble wrap.

英国人投票选出一晚好睡眠是生活中“最大的小确幸”。Batchelors Cup-A-Soup公司针对使英国人感到最多快乐的事进行了一场调查。床上睡眠活动占了前十项中的四项。在床上和爱人相拥在第三位,在床上睡懒觉排在第五位,睡在刚刚清洗过的床单上排在第六位。在口袋里无意间找到10英镑(16美元)是英国人生活中第二大乐趣。排在前十位的还有乐极生悲,让别人笑出来,跟老朋友叙旧。清单上有很多事情是全世界大部分人都赞同的。包括在超市排队时你所在的队列是前进最快的,排在第50位的是,挤压泡沫包装。

Batchelors spokesman Rob Stacey gave his thoughts on the findings of the survey, which 3,000 Britons did. He said: "It's often the little things that brighten up life, like getting into bed after a long day. You can't beat that feeling.” Mr. Stacey observed that almost all of the things in the top fifty didn’t need money. He stated: “Often the little gestures such as a quick cuddle or a compliment can really help to cheer someone up if they are having a bad day, and can even be more welcome than splashing out on expensive presents.” He added that it was “often the smaller things that can make a big difference”. Stacey may be happy that curling up on the sofa with a good book and a hot drink (or soup) came thirteenth in the poll.

这项调查共有3000名英国人参加。Batchelors公司发言人Rob Stacey就调查结果发表了自己的看法。他说:“这些通常都是给我们的生活增添色彩的小事,比如经过一整天的工作后上床睡觉。这种感觉是无与伦比的。”Stacey注意到,排在前五十位的几乎所有事情都不需要钱。他说:“如果某个人一天的心情都很糟糕,通常一个小动作都能让他们高兴起来,比如快速的拥抱或者一个赞扬,这些甚至比花钱购买昂贵的礼物更暖人心房。”他补充说:“通常都是小事才意义重大。”Stacey或许非常高兴,窝在沙发上,手边一本书,一杯热饮料(或一碗热汤)在调查中排在第十三位。
