新奇事件簿 赤脚慢跑比穿鞋更健康(在线收听

Jogging barefoot might be better for you than running in jogging shoes. This is the conclusion of new research from scientists at Glasgow University in Scotland. In fact, researchers say running with jogging shoes may actually be harmful to our bodies. The research team found that 75 per cent of the joggers in their study experienced something called ‘heel strike’. This is when our heels hit the ground too hard and shock our skeleton. This happens around 1,000 times for every 1.5km we run. The scientists say running barefoot is more natural. People who run without shoes do not land on their heels and this avoids sending shockwaves throughout their body. Barefoot runners may be at less risk of injury than those who wear running shoes.


The research helps explain why many long-distance runners run so well barefoot. The scientists say jogging shoes actually get in the way of millions of years of evolution: “Humans have engaged in endurance running for millions of years, but the modern running shoe was not invented until the 1970s.” They added: “For most of human history, runners were either barefoot or wore minimal footwear such as sandals…with…little cushioning.” Barefoot running is common in many parts of the world, especially Africa. The most famous barefoot runner is South Africa’s Zola Budd, who ran without shoes in the 1984 Olympics. Dr Daniel Lieberman from Harvard University warns people to start slowly if they take up running barefoot to avoid injury.

研究揭示了为何许多长距离跑步的人赤脚能够跑得这么好。科学家表示,实际上,慢跑鞋阻碍了几百万年来的进化过程。“人们进行长跑已经有几百万年的时间,但是现代跑鞋直到上世纪70年代才发明出来。”他们补充说:“在人类历史的大部分时间,跑步的人都是赤脚或穿着最简单的鞋袜,比如草鞋,几乎没有任何减震功能。”赤脚跑步在世界上许多地方非常普遍,尤其在非洲。最著名的赤脚跑运动员是南非的佐拉·巴德(Zola Budd)。他在1984年的奥林匹克运动会上就是赤脚跑步的。来自哈佛大学的Daniel Lieberman医生表示,如果人们决定赤脚跑步,那应该循序渐进,以免受伤。
