新奇事件簿 荷兰旅游小镇制定游客行为规范(在线收听

It's great being a tourist and leisurely wandering around old towns and villages seeing the sites, but is it such a thrill for the local residents? Villagers living in the area known as 'Old Holland' outside of Amsterdam have had enough of visitors traipsing around and of tour guides with megaphones disturbing their peace. They have got together with local tour companies to create rules of conduct for tourists. The rules include not photographing residents without permission, not strolling into their gardens and not dropping litter. The new code of conduct is an attempt to deal with the growing popularity of the region. Tourism is booming and the number of tourists is expected to rise by 50 per cent in the next decade.


Old Holland is an idyllic area that matches people's image of Dutch life from a slower, bygone age. There are windmills everywhere and locals live in beautifully preserved, traditional wooden houses. Local resident Peter-Jan van Steenbergen told Holland's Het Parool newspaper that the village of Zaanse Schans is like an open-air museum. He said: "I talked to one resident who opened his curtains in the morning and looked into the camera lenses of nine amateur photographers." He added: "The visitors seem happy to knock on the wooden houses to see if it is real wood. If you are the resident of that house, that is not pleasant, of course." He said the busloads of tourists were the biggest nuisance.

老荷兰区是一个田园诗般的地方,重现了过去时代荷兰人的生活画面。到处都有风车,当地人生活在保存完好的,传统的木屋里。当地居民Peter-Jan van Steenbergen告诉荷兰报纸Het Parool,Zaanse Schans村就像一个露天的音乐馆。他说:“我跟一个早上打开窗帘,看着9名业余摄影师镜头的居民聊了一下。”他补充说:“游客们看上去非常喜欢敲一下木屋,看一下是不是实木的。如果你是房屋的主任,当然会不开心。”他说,游客导致的公共汽车超载是最让人讨厌的。
