新奇事件簿 丛林居民拥有最健康的心脏(在线收听

Researchers have discovered the people with the healthiest hearts in the world. The Tsimane people live in the Amazon region of Bolivia and have almost no risk of serious heart disease because of their plant-based diet and high levels of physical activity. Besides having a healthy heart, the Tsimane also have low blood pressure, low cholesterol levels and low blood glucose. This all adds up to a very strong cardiovascular system. And this means they avoid many of the diseases and conditions that kill hundreds of millions around the world, such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes and kidney failure. A study estimates that an 80-year-old from the Tsimane tribe has the same cardiovascular age as an American in their mid-50s.


The study on the Tsimane is published in the medical journal 'The Lancet'. Study co-author Dr Gregory S. Thomas stated: "This study suggests that coronary disease could be avoided if people adopted some elements of the Tsimane lifestyle, such as keeping their cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar very low, not smoking and being physically active." He added: "Most of the Tsimane are able to live their entire life without developing any coronary disease. This has never been seen in any prior research. While difficult to achieve in the industrialized world, we can adopt some aspects of their lifestyle to potentially forestall a condition we thought would eventually effect almost all of us."

对Tsimane人的这项研究发表在《柳叶刀》医疗杂志上。研究的联合作者Gregory S. Thomas医生表示:“这项研究表明,如果人们采纳Tsimane人的一些生活方式,不要吸烟,多参加体育活动,一些疾病是可以避免的,比如可以将胆固醇,血压和血糖控制在非常低的水平。”他补充说:“大部分Tsimane人一生都不会患冠心病。此前的任何研究都从未发现这种疾病。尽管在工业化社会很难做到,我们却可以采取他们的部分生活方式,预防最终可能会影响我们所有人的疾病。”
