新奇事件簿 销售份额剥削便利店员工(在线收听

Convenience stores provide many of us with a handy place to pop into 24 hours a day to buy things we have forgotten or didn't have time to get from other stores. They also provide part-time jobs for thousands of people. A new report from Japan suggests that some convenience stores are not so convenient for its workers. The report, from Japan's national broadcaster NHK, says overbearing and unrealistic sales quotas are being imposed on many part-time workers. Labor rights experts are calling on store bosses to stop what they deem to be an exploitative practice. There are reports of workers having hundreds of dollars deducted from their salaries and having to buy unsold stock for failing to meet the quotas.


An expert on Japanese labor law Professor Mitsumo Uematsu said deducting a quota's worth of unsold products from salaries violated labor laws. He also questioned why so many part-timers felt compelled to buy unsold stock, which could be "seen as being forced to take on an economic burden because of pressure from stores". Professor Uematsu urged the headquarters of convenience store chains to tackle this problem so that part-timers are not exploited. One part-time worker said he was "drowning in quotas". Another said that workers can lose up to 20-30% of their monthly salary. The biggest losses come with quotas for unsold seasonal items like Valentines and Christmas goods and special sushi rolls.

日本劳工法专家Mitsumo Uematsu教授表示,从薪水中扣除未完成的销售份额违法劳工法的规定。他还质疑为何那么多兼职工作者会被说服购买未售出的商品,这应该被视为“由于来自便利店的压力而被迫承担经济负担”。Uematsu教授敦促连锁便利店总部解决这个问题,以便兼职工作者不被剥削。一位兼职工作者表示,他已经被销售份额压得透不过气。另外一位兼职工作者表示,工人们会损失20%至30%的月薪。损失最大的是未出售的季节性产品,比如情人节和圣诞节相关商品,以及特制的寿司卷。
