新奇事件簿 国际云图确认12种新型云(在线收听

For the first time in 30 years, scientists, meteorologists, sky watchers and cloud lovers have names for 12 'new' cloud formations. The International Cloud Atlas has recognized 'new' types of cloud for the first time since 1987. The atlas has been referencing cloud formations since 1986. It is considered to be the standard and most authoritative reference tool on clouds. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) now publishes it and has the final say on whether or not to include new clouds and cloud features. The WMO said you don't need to be an expert to find a new cloud. A spokesman said anyone can take a photo and send it to the WMO, and that could be recognized one day as a new cloud.

30年来,科学家,气象学者,星空守望者和云层爱好者们首次为12种新的云命名。这是自1987年以来国际云图(International Cloud Atlas)首次确认新型云。自1986年以来,国际云图一直致力于研究云的形成。该机构被认为是关于云的行业标准,是最权威的参考工具。世界气象组织(WMO)现在已经将该标准公布,将最终决定是否收录新的云类型和特征。WMO表示,要发现新类型的云,你不一定是专家。一位发言人表示,任何人都可以拍摄照片发送给WMO,说不定有一天会被确认为新的类型。

The new addition creating the biggest buzz online is named asperitas, meaning 'rough-like' in Latin. It looks like the tossing of the waves at sea when viewed from below. Another is the volutus. This a low, horizontal, tube-shaped cloud mass that looks like it is rolling. The WMO said the attention the new clouds are receiving could increase people's interest in the environment. It said: "The value of the atlas is that it draws our attention to the sky and by learning the name of the formations…we pay attention to and value what we see around us." It added: "By giving a language to the forms of our atmosphere, we are helping people to value our atmosphere and to pay attention to our impact on it."

