新奇事件簿 便携式电脑禁令开始实施(在线收听

A number of airports in the Middle East have started implementing the ban on taking laptop computers into the airplane cabin on flights to the USA and the UK. A new directive from the USA and UK now requires electronic devices larger than a smartphone to be checked in to be stored in the hold of the aircraft. The US ban has affected airlines from eight Middle Eastern countries, while similar UK restrictions apply to six countries. Officials said the reason for the ban was that larger digital devices could contain explosives. They did not give any indication as to how long the ban would be in place. However, the Dubai-based Emirates airlines said it had received instructions to enforce it until at least October 14.


There has been mixed reaction to the ban. Airlines were unhappy about being given just 96 hours to comply with it or risk losing their license to fly into the USA. Some called it an operational nightmare. They are unsure whether or not to pass the financial burden of the additional layer of security checks onto passengers. Some of the affected countries are questioning why the ban affects only Muslim-majority countries. Passengers, meanwhile, seem resigned to it. Rakan Mohammed from Qatar said: "It's a rule. I follow the rules. The bigger problem for my family is the no smoking." Maryam Hassad from Dubai was more concerned about how to keep her children occupied on a long flight without their laptops.

该禁令引起了各种不同的反应。航空公司只有96个小时的时间来调整,否则会失去飞往美国的执照,他们对此表示不满。一些航空公司称这是操作方面的噩梦。他们不确定是否把额外安检的费用转移到乘客身上。一些受影响的国家质疑为何该禁令只影响穆斯林国家。与此同时,乘客们似乎表示顺从。来自卡塔尔的Rakan Mohammed表示:“这是规定。我只是遵守规定。对我的家人来说更大的问题是禁止吸烟。”来自迪拜的Maryam Hassad更担心没有手提电脑怎样让孩子度过漫长的旅途。
