新奇事件簿 科学家称男性比女性更风趣(在线收听

Men are naturally funnier than women. This is the claim of a UK male professor, Sam Shuster. He conducted research on 400 different people as he unicycled around his town. He observed the reaction of onlookers and discovered that men made more jokes about him than women, and that men’s jokes were more aggressive. He said three-quarters of male “jokers” mocked him and made nasty comments, while most women tended to tease him with a smile. He said: "The difference between the men and women was absolutely remarkable and consistent." Professor Shuster believes the male hormone testosterone is the cause of men being funnier. He found that teenage boys were aggressive in their humor and this aggression changed with older men into a funnier form of joking.

男人天生比女人更风趣。这是英国男教授Sam Shuster的说法。他在小镇上骑单轮脚踏车时调查了400个人。他观察了旁观者的反应,发现男人跟他开的玩笑比女人更多,男人的玩笑更有侵略性。他说,四分之三的开玩笑的男人会嘲弄他,做出令人讨厌的评论,而大部分女人更倾向于微笑来取笑他。他说:“男人和女人之间的差别非常显著,非常一致。”Shuster教授相信,男性荷尔蒙睾丸素是让男人更风趣的原因。他发现,少男在幽默感方面更有侵略性,而随着年长,他们的侵略性变成更风趣的笑话形式。

Earlier research suggests women and men use humour differently. One study said women tend to tell fewer jokes than men and male comedians outnumber female ones. Another showed men look more for a punchline. Men also use people they know as the subject of their jokes, often in a negative way. Married men seem to like hearing and making jokes about mothers-in-law. British comedian John Moloney disagreed with Professor Shuster’s findings. He said that in his 21-year career in comedy, he had never noticed that men were funnier than women. He stated: "The difference is that if a group of women were together and the conversation lulls, they don't automatically start telling jokes, which men do. It then becomes a bit of a competition, but that doesn't mean to say men are funnier."

早些时候的研究显示,女性和男性的幽默方式有所不同。一项研究表示,女性说的笑话比男人少,男性喜剧演员的数量超过女性喜剧演员。另外一项研究显示,男性更追求笑点。男人更喜欢把他们认识的人作为笑话的主人公,当然通常是以负面的方式。已婚男士更喜欢听和说关于岳母的笑话。英国喜剧演员John Moloney不赞同Shuster教授的发现。他说,在他21年的喜剧生涯中,他从来没有注意到男人比女人更风趣。他表示:“男女之间的不同在于,一些女人聚在一起的时候,如果对话安静下来,他们不会自动开始讲笑话来圆场,而男人会。随后就变得有点像竞赛,但是这并不意味着男人比女人更风趣。”
