福克斯新闻 纪念诺曼底登陆75周年(1)(在线收听

Set tomorrow of course is the 6th, the actual anniversary of D- Day, but today was also pretty special here in France. We had military planes flying over the fields this morning as they did 75 years ago. This time, there were paratroopers jumping out as well, but they had a bit of a different mission today, watch this. This enormous crowd and the miles of traffic that go along with it are here to watch the paratroopers as they come out of the sky to mark the 75th anniversary of June 5th, when the paratrooper dropped in the night before D-Day. But one of the main attractions here today is a man named Tom Rice.


Tom is 97-years-old and he has jumped every year for the past six years to remember those who were lost and to make sure that everyone remembers the sacrifice that was made on that day. Tom is about to jump. We're here ready for him to do that. He's gonna have an enormous American flag hanging behind him making as he makes his seventh jump in the last six years. We will be watching. Are you OK? We're OK. Great jump. Hey! Sorry about the landing. Oh, that's OK. Nobody got hurt. There you go, sir. You looked good. Tom, congratulations on your jump. Well, thank you very kindly. It was a great jump. What was going through your mind as you were riding in the plane over the skies here above Carentan? What were you thinking about? Looking at the beautiful landscape. And my body was in one place and my mind was in another place and I didn't get them both together until I left the aircraft.

