福克斯新闻 国会女议员奥马尔被曝婚外恋和滥用竞选资金(1)(在线收听

Well Congresswoman Ilhan Omar working to evade the press, dismissing questions of an alleged affair and misuse of campaign funds as stupid after she was confronted by reporters in Minneapolis. Fox News Correspondent Gillian Turner has the latest on the controversy that has been brewing all week. Gillian? That's right, Trace. Over the last 24 hours, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has been fighting back a media and legal firestorm set in motion when the Federal Election Commission received a complaint about her congressional campaign.


That complaint comes from the National Legal and Policy Center, a right-leaning nonprofit group. It alleges Omar conducted an extramarital affair with a Washington consultant while she was running for Congress and that her campaign inappropriately reimbursed that very same consultant, tens of thousands of dollars in travel. Caught off guard yesterday, Omar told our affiliate in a north Minneapolis grocery store to talk to the hand. You understand what no comment means? Congresswoman, why are you dodging these questions? Because they're very stupid questions. But she quickly had her talking points in order. I will just say I have no interest in commenting on anything that you are about to ask about my personal life. So, you can chase me all you want.

