2020年经济学人 一周要闻 美国感染病例持续激增 英国商店强制顾客戴口罩 南非重启禁酒令(在线收听

The world this week




Jeff Sessions was clobbered in Alabama’s Republican Senate primary by Tommy Tuberville. Mr Sessions, a senator for 20 years until 2017, was an early supporter of Donald Trump, who made him attorney-general. His decision to recuse himself from investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election made the president turn on him.

杰夫·塞申斯在阿拉巴马州共和党参议员初选中被汤米·特尔维尔击败。塞申斯当了20年参议员直到2017年,他是特朗普(Donald Trump)的早期支持者,特朗普任命他为司法部长。他决定回避对俄罗斯干预2016年大选的调查,此举导致总统将矛头指向了他。

Floods continued to cause massive disruption across central and southern China. The deluges have killed more than 140 people, destroyed about 28,000 homes and caused more than $11bn-worth of damage.


Brazil’s space agency, INPE, reported that 3,069 square kilometres (1,185 square miles) of the Amazon was cut or burned down from January to June, an increase of 25% from the same period last year. After the announcement, the head of the department responsible for monitoring deforestation was moved to another job. Last year the government sacked inpe’s chief after the agency reported an increase in deforestation.


Martín Vizcarra, Peru’s president, replaced more than half of his cabinet after his approval ratings fell. Pedro Cateriano, a previous prime minister, has taken the job again. The recession caused by the pandemic has led Mr Vizcarra’s popularity to drop from 87% in March to a still-impressive 65%.

秘鲁总统马丁·比兹卡拉(Martin Vizcarra)在支持率下跌后撤换了过半的内阁成员。前总理佩德罗·卡特利亚诺再次担任总理一职。因疫情引起的经济衰退使比兹卡拉的支持率从三月份的87%下降到65%,令人震惊。

Poland’s president, Andrzej Duda, was narrowly re-elected, surviving a fierce challenge from the mayor of Warsaw. Mr Duda’s campaign involved deriding gay people and Jews.

波兰总统安杰伊·杜达(Andrzej Duda)在华沙市长的激烈挑战下险胜连任。杜达的竞选活动包括嘲笑同性恋者和犹太人。

Protests erupted across Belarus after opposition candidates were barred from standing in next month’s presidential election. Meanwhile in Khabarovsk, in Russia’s Far East, crowds demonstrated after the local governor was arrested on a 15-year-old murder allegation. Protesters said his real crime was being more popular than the president, Vladimir Putin.


Temperatures in the Siberian Arctic were up to 10°C hotter during January to June than the average between 1981 and 2010. Climate scientists say greenhouse gases made this 600 times more likely, making it one of only two extreme weather events to be firmly pinned on climate change.


Boris Johnson, Britain’s prime minister, pledged to hold an independent inquiry into the country’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. He said the country needed to “learn the lessons” of the outbreak.

英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)承诺,将对英国应对疫情的方式进行独立调查。他说,该国需要从疫情中“吸取教训”。

The Philippine Congress decided not to renew the broadcasting franchise of ABS-CBN, the country’s biggest television network, in effect putting an end to its efforts to remain on air. The company says it is being persecuted for critical reporting on the government of President Rodrigo Duterte.


Park Won-soon, the mayor of Seoul, committed suicide after police began investigating allegations that he had sexually harassed a secretary.

在警方开始调查性骚扰一名秘书的指控后,首尔市长朴元淳(Park Won-soon)自杀。

The ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) won Singapore’s general election, as it has every election since independence in 1965. The opposition won ten out of 93 seats—its best showing ever. The pap’s share of the vote fell from 70% to 61%.


Libya’s eastern-based parliament said it would “welcome” Egyptian military intervention in the country’s civil war to counter Turkish support for the internationally recognised Government of National Accord (GNA), based in Tripoli. The assembly in the east is aligned with Khalifa Haftar, a general who is trying to overthrow the gna.

利比亚东部议会表示,将“欢迎”埃及军事干预该国内战,以对抗土耳其对国际承认的、总部设在的黎波里的国民团结政府(GNA)的支持。东部议会与试图推翻国民团结政府的将军哈利法·哈夫塔尔(Khalifa Haftar)结盟。

At least seven boats caught fire at Iran’s Bushehr port, state media reported. It was the latest in a series of mysterious fires and explosions in the country, some at sensitive sites, leading to speculation about a campaign of sabotage.


Yemen’s Houthi rebels agreed to give a team of UN inspectors access to an abandoned oil tanker off the country’s Red Sea coast. The vessel, which is leaking, holds over 1m barrels of oil.


Talks between Ethiopia and Egypt over the filling of a controversial dam on the Nile river broke down. Ethiopia has begun filling the dam.


Coronavirus briefs


Infections continued to soar in America, to over 60,000 cases a day. Florida reported the largest daily increase of any state since the start of the pandemic. California reimposed many of the curbs it had only recently lifted.


The death toll in Latin America surpassed 145,000, overtaking that in the United States. Only Europe has suffered more deaths—over 200,000.


The regional government in Catalonia put in place restrictions on areas where the disease has flared up again. A judge said only the Spanish government in Madrid could impose lockdowns.


Masks are to be compulsory in shops in England from July 24th. Boris Johnson wore a mask in public for the first time, as did Donald Trump.

从7月24日起,英国商店将强制顾客戴口罩。鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)首次在公共场合戴口罩,特朗普也是如此。

South Africa banned sales of alcohol, to free up intensive-care beds for COVID-19 patients.

