2020年经济学人 红人队改名风波(1)(在线收听

United States




Skin in the name


An American-football team finally sheds its moniker


Since he bought the Redskins in 1999, Daniel Snyder’s position on his team’s long-controversial name has been clear. “We’ll never change the name,” he told a reporter seven years ago. “It’s that simple. NEVER—you can use caps.” He and other defenders claimed the name honoured Native Americans—a view not shared by many Native Americans themselves.


Mr Snyder stuck to his guns through demonstrations outside his games, political pressure, even losing federal trademark protections because the team’s name and images were deemed “disparaging to Native Americans” (a ruling later reversed on First Amendment grounds). But on July 13th, after coming under pressure from sponsors including FedEx, which pays the team $8m per year for naming rights to its stadium, Mr Snyder announced the name and logo (a Native American in profile, with feathers in his hair) would be retired.


Its new name remains unclear, but the jokes all but wrote themselves: the Washington Pundits, Kickbacks, Internal Polls (which would, of course, always show them ahead). More serious possibilities include the dreary, hackneyed Warriors; the Redtails, honouring the black Tuskegee Airmen, who fought in the second world war; and the Red Wolves, which like the Redtails would let the team keep its burgundy- and-gold colours. MrSnyder reportedly has chosen a name currently bogged down in a trademark fight— and indeed, an enterprising actuary from the Washington suburbs has registered trademarks for around a dozen possible team names.

