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Chris Stirewalt, Fox News Politics Editor. Chris, always good to talk with you. A lot happened since the last few hours that we met at 1 PM Eastern today on overtime. So, let's get into it for Joe Biden. This - and you and I said it earlier, this is a big moment as we head into the Nevada caucuses for him, because he'll face an electorate now that he thinks he can connect with more. You heard me talking with the congresswoman. He's pulling out. I was arrested trying to get Nelson Mandela freed. I'm not sure if that's a one-on-one match for African Americans. Well look, so the deal for Biden, he's lost a ton of his support to Mike Bloomberg. It's been -- And Bernie Sanders apparently. A little but that's not his problem. His problem is that Klobuchar, Buttigieg and most of all Bloomberg have hovered up this support from Biden who's been a weak front runner the whole time. Then he says, I'm gonna deliver because I'm gonna connect in these states with large minority populations and Nevada has much as the Democrats across the country do, a 40 percent nonwhite population in their electorate. That's about the expectation. This is a bad time to be involved in a controversy around a claim that's unsubstantiated that he was arrested trying to get Nelson Mandela freed from prison in South Africa. He never mentioned it in his books about it. He never talked about it before. Yes, 2007 memoir.


I mean we were searching for it this evening, currently. Maybe it's there, we missed it, but we couldn't find it. This is not a good look, because it goes to two things. One seems like maybe there's some fudging going on here. But number two, then it's a question about recall and it brings up issues about, are you on your A game? Do you still have your fastball? That's not what Biden needs going into this and then the South Carolina contest. Real quickly, you brought up Michael Bloomberg is stealing some of the thunder. Does he come out of that Democratic debate wounded in any way with diverse populations, I mean he really didn't do well on the questions about stop and frisk. He got just absolutely caned. He got absolutely stomped on a number of things. First half of that debate -- That's a lot of verbs. Which was the most, most watched of any debates so far for the Democrats. The first half of that debate was a slaughter for Bloomberg. And not just that, but a bunch of other things. Flipside for Bloomberg, the emphasis comes off of him for a minute, it's on Bernie Sanders, it's on Joe Biden, they're both having a hard time - Bernie Sanders especially with now the revelation that Russia is rooting for him in this process. So that's good news for Bloomberg. Go home, pack an ice for a while and then see how these guys do. Yeah. And come out maybe listen to your debate team because there are gonna to be more of those coming up when he eventually gets on a ballot. Chris Stirewalt, the Stire is on fire on this Friday night. Thank you.

