福克斯新闻 我们有理由为第二波疫情感到恐慌吗?(2)(在线收听

You know -- That's right. -- One of the things that I'm very interested in is what is happening in the places that went before us? You know? What's going on in Europe? Yes. What's going on in Asia? They are sort of the tests that we can look at and say, here is how it goes. What are you learning about that? Great, so great question. In Europe in the countries that have reopened, Denmark, Switzerland, you know, Sweden never really close, Austria reopened. Denmark actually said, we haven't seen any rise and we don't understand why. They said that a few days ago. Norway, they said, you know what, we actually think we probably should have followed Sweden, we panic a little bit. In Japan, which never really closed at all, and had only, you know, -- Yeah. Mild lock. -- a brief and relatively mild lock down, they reopen entirely, and they have had the least serious, you know, case count and death count of any major country. Any major industrialized country. So, there's just no way to say, hey, lockdowns work. Unlock -- you know, unlocking -- you know, opening up the country has hurt, because we don't see that in any consistent way. Yeah.


Georgia, the first state to really lockdown -- to really end its lockdown, that was the end of April. There were all these people on the left saying, you know, Georgia is gonna be a factory of death. Georgia, you know, you are gonna -- you are gonna -- it's gonna be terrible in Georgia. Guess what, hospitalizations in Georgia are half what they were six weeks ago. So, there's not a consistent picture here. Well, that's good. I mean, that's all good news. That stuff that people should feel -- Yeah. -- happy about and it should give them a little bit of a sense of peace. Very quickly if you can, we are now a couple of weeks passed Memorial Day. Yes. There was a lot of concern about all the people out then. Yes. Are we seeing a pop from those groups that gathered then? That is a really good question, we don't know. We don't know if this, you know, minor increase in positive tests is coming, because people are returning to hospitals for elective surgeries, and all of those people get tested as a matter of course. And so, there are lots of places where the spike -- and it's not a huge spike, but where the spike could be coming from. I'm not saying there is nothing to be concerned about. I'm not saying there's nothing to watch, we need to follow the data just as we always have, but the media just wants panic. Alex Berenson, thank you for your evenhanded approach on all of this. It's good to have you back.

