新奇事件簿 科学家发现大量造血的方法(在线收听

Scientists from Bristol University in the UK say they have found a way to mass produce blood that would be suitable for patients who need it in hospitals. For a number of years, they have been able to produce red blood cells in a laboratory. However, the process to do that was very slow and they could not produce a lot of blood. The new technique means scientists can make an "unlimited supply" of blood. Researcher Dr Jan Frayne said: "Previous approaches to producing red blood cells have relied on various sources of stem cells which can only presently produce very limited quantities." She added: "We have demonstrated a feasible way to sustainably manufacture red cells for clinical use."

来自英国布里斯托大学的科学家表示,他们发现了大量造血的方法,适合在医院需要血的病人。数年来,他们已经能够在实验室生产红细胞。然而,整个过程非常缓慢,产生的血量不多。新的技术意味着科学家能够制造“不限量”的血。研究人员Jan Frayne表示:“以前生产红细胞的方法依赖各种各样的干细胞,只能临时生产非常有限的血量。”她补充说:“我们发现了一种可行的方法,能够持续制造可供临床使用的红细胞。”

Professor David Anstee, another of the researchers, told the BBC that his team has found a way to mass produce blood, but they now need the technology to actually do this on a large scale. He said: "There is a bioengineering challenge. To produce that much blood is quite a challenge….The next phase of our work is to look at methods of producing more." He told reporters that to begin with, they would produce only rare types of blood, as these can be difficult to find with traditional blood donation sources. He said: "The first therapeutic use of a cultured red cell product is likely to be for patients with rare blood groups, because suitable conventional red blood cell donations can be difficult to source."

另外一位研究人员David Anstee教授告诉BBC,他的团队发现了大量造血的方法,但是他们需要该技术用于大规模生产。他说:“我们面临生物工程方面的挑战。要生产如此多的血量是一个很大的挑战。我们下一阶段的工作就是查找生产更多血的方法。”他告诉记者,最初,他们会生产非常罕见的血型,因为通过传统的献血途径,这种罕见血型很难收集。他说:“实验室培养的红细胞的第一个治疗用途可能是罕见血型病人,因为合适的红细胞通过传统的鲜血方法很很难得到。”
