新奇事件簿 科学家发现白发变黑方法(在线收听

Worried about getting old? Don’t want to get wrinkles? Wondering how to stop going grey, or white, or silver? Well help may be at hand with the last one of these fears. Scientists have discovered the drug the body uses to give our hair its natural colour. They hope they can recreate this drug and use it to prevent people’s hair from turning white. The goal is to make a shampoo that contains the drug so that our hair will stay its natural colour throughout our life. This would save us a fortune in hair dyes and treatments, and keep us all looking ten years younger. Unfortunately, the drug only seems to be for hair colour loss and not hair loss. People going bald will have to wait a little longer for the drug that stops their hair falling out.


The researchers are from the University of Lubeck, Germany, and the University of Manchester, England. The team were researching the causes of hair turning white because of illness or stress. They recreated a molecule that occurs naturally in the body that provides colour to our hair. The scientists conducted tests on the hair of six women aged between 46 and 65. They were able to reverse the process that caused the hair to lose its colour. Lead researcher Dr Ralf Paus said the technique he used could be used as an "anti-greying agent" in the future. However, he warned it was still too early in the testing process to give more details. He was not able to say whether he thought his discovery would make white hair a thing of the past.

这些研究人员分别来自德国的吕贝克大学和英格兰的曼彻斯特大学。该团队研究了疾病或压力造成头发变白的原因。他们重塑了人体内为头发提供颜色的分子。科学家检测了六名46岁至65岁的女性的头发。他们成功地逆转了头发失去颜色的过程。首席研究人员Ralf Paus博士表示,他使用的技术将来可用作“抗灰发剂”。然而,他警告说,目前仍然是测试阶段,给出更多细节为时尚早。关于这项发现能否让我们彻底告别白发,现在他还不敢下定论。
