新奇事件簿 不用洗发水对头发更好吗?(在线收听

Could shampoo be a thing of the past? Millions of us spend a lot of time and money on it, but is it necessary? Shampoo sales have gone down a lot in the UK recently as more people are changing their hair-washing habits. A recent study by Nielsen, a consumer analyst company, said: "People are working from home…and fewer people are smoking, so they are using less shampoo less frequently than before." The ecosalon.com website said shampooing regularly may be the reason hair gets so greasy. Shampoo makes the scalp dry, so the head produces more oil, which you then shampoo again to remove. The site said: "By shampooing less often, your scalp naturally reduces its production of oil."


However, many people say shampoo is good for the hair. Mark Coray, a former president of the National Hairdressers' Federation in the UK, says there is no benefit to not washing your hair. He said: "Shampoo is not abrasive or harsh to the scalp….The ingredients in shampoo help the hair to look so glossy.The hair's oil may build up so it starts to look like it is shiny...but it will not self-clean." A hair loss clinic in London, The Belgravia Centre, said: "Rinsing your hair is not going to be very effective after certain activities that make the scalp sweaty, such as exercising or using a sauna." It added: "Rinsing will also not remove bacteria or clean the excess oil from your scalp if you have greasy hair."

然而,许多人表示,洗发水对头发有益。英国国家发型师联盟前主席Mark Coray表示,不洗头没有任何益处。他说:“洗发水对头皮来说既不粗糙又不刺激。洗发水中的成分可以帮助头发看上去更有光泽。头发的油脂会累积,看上去好像闪闪发光。但是头发并不会自我清洁。”伦敦一个脱发诊所Belgravia Centre表示:“经过一些让头皮出汗的活动之后,比如运动或桑拿。”它补充说:“仅仅用水清洗并不能消除头皮上的细菌或清除油脂。”
