新奇事件簿 研究称独自一人慢跑不健康(在线收听

A new report suggests that jogging could be bad for your health, especially if you do it alone. A team of researchers from Harvard University has said that going for a run on your own is not as healthy as people believe. Their research showed that jogging as part of a group is healthier. The experiments they did on rats showed that running alone raises stress levels and slows down brain cell growth. Professor Elizabeth Gould, the research leader, said: “These results suggest that, with no social interaction, a normally positive experience can have a negative influence on the brain.”

一项最新报告表明,慢跑可能对健康有害,尤其是如果独自一人的时候。来自哈佛大学一个研究团队表示,独自一人跑步不像人们认为的那样健康。他们的研究显示,多人一起跑步更加健康。他们对老鼠进行的实验显示,独自跑步会增加压力水平,减缓脑细胞生长速度。研究负责人Elizabeth Gould教授表示:“这些研究表明,如果没有社交活动,正常情况下积极的活动会对大脑产生负面的影响。”

The researchers monitored two groups of rats on exercise wheels. One group exercised alone, the other group were part of a rodent jogging team. After two weeks, the scientists did tests to measure the new brain cell growth in all of the rats. The results showed that the team joggers had double the amount of new brain cells as the solo runners. Professor Gould concluded that: “In a group setting, running stimulates brain cell growth. However, when running…in social isolation, these positive effects decrease.” Human joggers should remember that running is healthier than the rat race.

