新奇事件簿 研究称没有药物可以治疗宿醉(在线收听

A study in the British Medical Journal reports there is no cure for hangovers. The only real way to avoid the terrible headaches is either to not drink at all or to have just a few glasses, researchers say. Research leader Max Pittler of Exeter University in the U.K. found very few studies into hangovers. He said this surprised him as there are hundreds of hangover ‘cures’ sold on the Internet. His conclusion was plain and simple. He said there is no real evidence that shows people can make a hangover disappear. Unfortunately, no amount of Aspirin, coffee or fruit juice will stop the headaches or sickly feeling.

英国医学期刊一项研究报道称,宿醉没有治疗方法。研究人员说,避免酒醉后头痛唯一有用的方法就是根本不喝酒或者少喝点。英国埃克塞特大学首席研究人员Max Pittler发现关于宿醉的研究很少。他表示,这让他感到非常奇怪,因为互联网上出售的治疗“宿醉”的药物有几百种。他的结论非常直白。他表示,没有切实的证据表明人们可以让宿醉消失。不幸的是,任何剂量的阿司匹林,咖啡或果汁都不能制止头痛或恶心的感觉。

Hangovers cost businesses worldwide a lot of money. Nearly $3.5 billion are lost in wages every year just in the UK. The fact that hangovers are not real illnesses means employers rarely accept them as an excuse to take a day off sick. Workers are expected to forget about their headaches and work normally. Of bigger concern is the number of deaths caused by alcoholic poisoning. Just a one percent rise in alcohol sales causes a 0.4 percent rise in fatal poisonings. The researchers also said they want to know why hangovers do not stop people from over-drinking again and again.

