新奇事件簿 与海豚一起游泳可以缓解压力(在线收听

A new study carried out in Honduras reports that swimming with dolphins helps reduce stress and lift depression. Researchers from England’s Leicester University found that 15 people with mild or moderate depression became happier after they swam with dolphins. Playing in the water with the dolphins led to falling levels of symptoms of depression in the patients. No one took drugs or had psychotherapy for four weeks before the study. Researchers saw positive results after just two weeks of the dolphin therapy. They concluded that being with nature is very important for human wellbeing.


The study observed two groups of patients – one played with dolphins, the other swam alone in a pool. The dolphin therapy lifted depression much quicker than results usually seen with psychotherapy or drug therapy. With traditional therapy, symptoms usually improve after four weeks. Researcher Michael Reveley said animals could be used to treat other mental illnesses. He also said dolphins are “highly intelligent animals who are capable of complex interactions, and regard humans positively.” He added: “We are part of the natural world, and interacting with it can have a beneficial effect on us.”

这项研究观察了两组病人的情况——其中一组与海豚一起玩,另外一组在游泳池里自己游泳。海豚疗法比常规的心理治疗或药物治疗更快看到效果。按照传统疗法,症状通常在四周之后得到改善。研究员Michael Reveley表示,动物还可用于治疗其他精神疾病。他还说,“海豚是非常有智慧的动物,能够进行复杂的互动,给人带来积极的影响。”他补充说:“我们是自然世界的一部分,与自然互动可以对我们产生有益的影响。”
