新奇事件簿 未来机器人将比人聪明(在线收听

A scientist said robots will be more intelligent than humans by 2029. The scientist's name is Ray Kurzweil. He works for Google as Director of Engineering. He is one of the world's leading experts on artificial intelligence (A.I.). Mr Kurzweil believes computers will be able to learn from experiences, just like humans. He also thinks they will be able to tell jokes and stories, and even flirt. Kurzweil's 2029 prediction is a lot sooner than many people thought. The scientist said that in 1999, many A.I. experts said it would be hundreds of years before a computer was more intelligent than a human. He said that it would not be long before computer intelligence is one billion times more powerful than the human brain.

一位科学家表示,到2029年,机器人将比人类更加聪明。这位科学家的名字叫Ray Kurzweil。他是谷歌的工程总监。他也是全球人工智能的顶尖专家之一。库茨魏尔博士相信计算机能够像人类一样从经验中学习。他还认为机器人能够讲笑话和故事,甚至还能调情。库茨魏尔对于2029年的预测比许多人的预期要早。科学家认为,1999年的时候,许多人工智能专家认为数百年以后,计算机才有可能超过人类。他说用不了多久的时间,计算机的大脑将会比人类强大10亿倍。

Mr Kurzweil joked that many years ago, people thought he was a little crazy for predicting computers would be as intelligent as humans. His thinking has stayed the same but everyone else has changed the way they think. He said: "My views are not radical any more. I've actually stayed consistent. It's the rest of the world that's changing its view." He highlighted examples of high-tech things we use, see or read about every day. These things make us believe that computers have intelligence. He said people think differently now: "Because the public has seen things like Siri [the iPhone's voice-recognition technology] where you talk to a computer; they've seen the Google self-driving cars."

