新奇事件簿 尼日利亚银行家获世界粮食奖(在线收听

The president of the African Development Bank, Akinwumi Adesina, has won the 2017 World Food Prize. Mr Adesina won the prize and $250,000. He got the award for his two decades of work in increasing food production in Africa. He used his experience as a top banker to help agriculture in Africa. He helped to change many farming laws and made it easier for small farmers to get loans for their business. He also helped farmers to modernize their farms and the way they grow their crops. The World Food Prize Foundation President, Kenneth Quinn, said Mr. Adesina won the prize, "for driving change in African agriculture for over 25 years and improving food security for millions across the continent".

非洲开发银行(African Development Bank)行长阿金武米·阿德希纳(Akinwumi Adesina)赢得2017年世界粮食奖。阿德希纳赢得该奖项,并获得25万美元奖金。他因过去20年增加非洲粮食产量的不懈努力荣获该奖。他利用优秀银行家的经验帮助非洲农业发展。他帮助更改了许多农业法律,让小农户获得贷款更加容易。他还帮助农民实现农场和种植方法现代化。世界粮食奖基金主席肯尼斯·奎因(Kenneth Quinn)表示,阿德希纳荣获该奖是因为“过去25年推动非洲农业发展,为非洲大陆数百万人提高了粮食安全。”

The World Food Prize was created by the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize winner Norman Borlaug. He is known as the father of the "green revolution". He helped to breed crops that produced more food and were stronger and more resistant against disease. His work helped to prevent famine in Asia in the 1960s. Mr Quinn said Adesina "grew up in poverty" in Africa and decided to do his best at school to get a good education. He got a PhD. in agricultural economics. He became a leader in African banking and was also Nigeria's Minister of Agriculture from 2011 to 2015. Quinn said Adesina used his background and experiences to, "lift millions of people out of poverty, especially farmers in rural Africa".

世界粮食奖由1970年诺贝尔和平奖获得者诺曼·博洛格(Norman Borlaug)设立。他被尊为“绿色革命”之父。他帮助培育了更加高产,更加强壮,抗病性更强的作物。他的工作帮助亚洲预防了上世纪60年代的饥荒。奎因表示,阿德希纳在贫困的非洲长大,上学时决定尽最大努力获得良好的教育。他获得了农业经济学博士学位。他成为非洲银行业的领袖,2011年至2015年间担任尼日利亚农业部长。奎因表示,阿德希纳利用他的背景和经验使数百万人摆脱了贫困,尤其是非洲农村的农民。
