新奇事件簿 五岁女孩因出售柠檬汽水被罚(在线收听

A five-year-old girl in London was fined 150 ($194) by a local government in London for selling 50p (65 cents) cups of lemonade. The fine upset the little girl because she thought she had done something wrong. The girl's father, Andre Spicer, is a university professor. He said his daughter set up the stall on a street in London. She wanted to sell her lemonade to people who were on their way to a music festival. Mr Spicer said his daughter burst into tears. He said she told him "I've done a bad thing". Mr Spicer said his daughter was very excited by the idea of setting up a lemonade stall near her house. He said: "She just wanted to put a smile on people's faces. She was really proud of herself."

伦敦一名五岁的女孩因为在街头出售50便士(60美分)一杯的柠檬汽水被当地政府罚款150英镑(194美元)。罚款让小女孩非常伤心,因为她认为自己做了错事。小女孩的父亲Andre Spicer是一位大学教授。他表示,他的女儿在伦敦街头摆摊。她希望向参加音乐节途中的人们出售柠檬汽水。Spicer说,她的女儿流泪了。他说,女儿告诉他,“我做了错事。”Spicer说,他的女儿想到在家附近摆摊卖柠檬汽水的时候非常高兴。他说:“她只是想让人们脸上多点笑容。她为自己感到自豪。”

Mr Spicer explained what happened to make his daughter cry. He said: "After a short time trading, four enforcement officers walked over from the other side of the road. I was quite shocked. I thought that they would just tell us to pack up and go home, but they turned on their mobile camera and began reading from a big script explaining that she did not have a trading licence. My daughter clung to me screaming 'Daddy, Daddy, I've done a bad thing.' She's five. We were then issued a fine of 150. We packed up and walked home." A local government spokesman said: "We are very sorry that this has happened….The fine will be cancelled immediately and we have contacted Mr Spicer and his daughter to apologise."

