新奇事件簿 伦敦警方获得1000套酸袭击工具箱(在线收听

Police officers in London have been given 1,000 special kits to deal with acid attacks. This is because the number of crimes using acid on London's streets has been increasing. Two weeks ago, criminals sprayed acid in the faces of people to rob them of their motorbikes. There were five different acid attacks on just one night. The number of crimes involving acid or other dangerous substances has more than doubled in London over the past three years. A leading plastic surgeon today said the number of patients he treats for acid attacks has reached "epidemic" levels in London. Professor Peter Dziewulski said there had been an "explosion" of cases involving acid since the start of last year.

伦敦警方获得1000套特别工具箱来应对酸袭击。这是因为伦敦街头用酸袭击的犯罪数量增加。两周前,犯罪分子往路人头上泼硫酸来抢劫他们的摩托车。一夜之间发生了五起不同的酸袭击事件。涉及酸或其他危险物质袭击的犯罪数量过去三年翻倍。今天,一位著名的外科医生说,他治疗的酸袭击受害人在伦敦已经达到了流行病的标准。Peter Dziewulski教授表示,自去年年初以来,涉及酸袭击的案例呈爆炸性增长。

Rapid response police cars will now carry the 1,000 acid attack response kits. The kits include protective clothing and five-litre bottles of water. This allows police officers to give immediate treatment to victims sprayed with acid. Experts have said the rise in acid attacks could be because of a crackdown on knives and guns. Street gangs are now using acid instead because it is easy to buy and easy to hide in soda bottles. Police spokesman Mike West spoke about acid attacks. He said: "These are life-changing injuries." He added: "I am confident that we are stepping up our response to this crime and we are looking for a safer way to identify some of the substances on the streets."

快速反应警车现在将携带这1000套酸袭击反应工具箱。这些工具箱包括防护性服装和五升水。这使得警察可以立即治疗酸袭击的受害者。专家表示,酸袭击数量的增加可能是由于对刀枪的打压。街头团伙现在使用酸来替代是因为更容易购买,而且容易藏在汽水瓶里。警方发言人Mike West解释了酸袭击的问题。他说:“这些都是改变一生的伤害。”他补充说:“我相信,我们加快了对这类犯罪的反应速度,我们正在寻找在街道上鉴别这类物质更安全的方法。”
