新奇事件簿 男子自制“禁止停车”标志(在线收听

A man in New Zealand has taken road traffic safety into his own hands. For the past 20 years, Russell Taylor has been illegally painting yellow parking-restriction lines on the road outside his house. Mr Taylor told the BBC news agency that the reason for his actions was to improve traffic safety in his neighborhood in the capital, Wellington. He also wanted to protest against gentrification. Mr Taylor said he initially painted the yellow lines after becoming fed up with the local council's lack of interest in following up residents' complaints about road safety. He explained that he had seen numerous accidents and near-collisions on his narrow street and that his actions have made the road safer.

新西兰一名男子自己执行道路交通安全规则。过去20年,Russell Taylor一直非法在他家门外的道路上喷写黄色的禁止停车线。Taylor告诉BBC新闻机构,他这样做的目的是改善首都惠灵顿他居住的社区的交通安全状况。他还想要抗议贵族化。Taylor表示,最初,居民投诉了道路安全问题之后当地市政委员会毫不关心,他非常厌倦,所以喷洒了黄色的禁止停车线。他解释说,他亲眼目睹了他这条狭窄的街道上发生了几起交通事故和近距离撞击,他的行为让道路更加安全。

Wellington City Council confirmed it was aware of the road markings and that they would be removed. It pointed out that it was illegal to install "fake traffic devices," such as Taylor's homemade yellow lines. It said: "We're aware of problems and complaints about parking in Holloway Road, and that the fire service had trouble getting to a house fire there in the past year because of parked vehicles." It also said it would be meeting residents to discuss the idea of installing no parking signs. The council added that Mr Taylor would not be prosecuted for his illegal road markings. It said: "Given the glorious and healthy history of civic activism in Holloway Road, we would rather not pick an unnecessary fight."

