新奇事件簿 NASA新岗位——防止外星人入侵(在线收听

America's space agency NASA has an exciting new job opening to protect Earth from aliens. The position is for a Planetary Protection Officer (PPO). The successful applicant will be responsible for making sure no life forms from outer space come to Earth. The PPO makes sure astronauts and space equipment do not come back from space with any alien bacteria. The position was posted on the usajobs.gov website. According to the post, the new PPO will get a yearly salary of up to $187,000. The job contract is for three years, but could be extended for an additional two years. It is one of the most unique job positions in the world. NASA only employs two PPOs. The job is only open to U.S. citizens and U.S. nationals.

美国国家航空航天局NASA开设了新的工作岗位,保护地球免受外星人入侵。该职位是“星球守护官”。应聘成功的人将负责确保来自外太空的任何生命都不能到达地球。星球守护官要确保宇航员和太空设备从太空中返回时不携带任何外星细菌。该职位发表在usajobs.gov website网站上。根据职位介绍,新的星球守护官将获得高达18.7万美元的年薪。合同期为三年,但是可以延期两年。这是世界上最独一无二的工作岗位。NASA只招募两名星球守护官。该岗位只对美国公民和美国人开放。

People who want to apply for the job must be well qualified. Candidates must have "broad engineering expertise" and have a degree in physical science, engineering or mathematics. The candidate must also show they have experience in "planning, executing, or overseeing elements of space programs of national significance". A final requirement is that the candidate has "skills in diplomacy that resulted in win-win solutions during extremely difficult and complex multilateral discussions". The new PPO will be responsible for planning several future NASA missions. One of these will be a trip to one of Jupiter's icy moons, Europa. The mission will search for signs of alien life on the moon.

