新奇事件簿 特朗普引燃朝鲜核紧张局势(在线收听

U.S. President Donald Trump has given North Korea another warning over its plans to fire its weapons. The war of words between Mr Trump and North Korea's president Kim Jong-un is escalating. Countries in the region and around the world are worried that the war of words could become a real war. Tensions increased greatly earlier this week when North Korea announced it had nuclear warheads small enough to fit inside its missiles. President Trump then warned: "North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen." North Korea responded by announcing it would fire four missiles off the coast of the US territory of Guam.


North Korea said President Trump's words were "nonsense". Regardless, Mr Trump issued another warning to the North Koreans yesterday. He said his "fire and fury" statement "wasn't tough enough" and that North Korea should "be very, very nervous". He also said China could do "a whole lot more" to reduce tensions. The Arms Control Association in Washington DC said Mr Trump should stop his verbal attacks on North Korea to avoid a military conflict on the Korean Peninsula. It said: "Recent [talk] from Trump is a dangerous and ineffective strategy to halt North Korea's nuclear development and could trigger a military conflict that would not be in the U.S. interest."

