新奇事件簿 交通拥堵德国男子游泳上班(在线收听

A German man has started swimming to work after he got fed up with commuting. Benjamin David, 40, got tired of being stuck in traffic every day in the German city of Munich. He now beats the traffic by swimming 2km down the city's Isar River. He puts his laptop computer, mobile phone and his business suit in a waterproof bag that he drags behind him. Mr David got the idea by watching the river flow right past his apartment. He looked on a map and realized the river went past his office. He then decided to swim to work and get some exercise, instead of battling other commuters in buses and trains or breathing fumes from traffic while on a bicycle.

一名德国男子厌倦了挤车的烦恼,开始游泳去上班。40岁的Benjamin David每天都在德国城市慕尼黑拥挤的车流中难以前进。现在,他每天在伊萨尔河游2千米的距离去上班,避开拥堵的车流。他把手提电脑,手机和文件包装在防水袋里,拖在身后。David看着从他的公寓前流过的小河想到了这个办法。他查看了地图,发现这条河刚好经过公司。随后他决定游泳去上班,还可以锻炼身体,而不是像其他上班族一样乘坐公交车或地铁,或者骑自行车呼吸尾气。

Mr David told reporters that his river commute has changed his life. He is much fitter and less stressed. He spoke about the stress his commute used to cause him. He said: "I'm not a monk. When I was on my bike, I would yell at cars. When I was on foot, I would yell at cyclists, and so on and so forth." He described how the river has changed things. He said: "Just a few metres to the side of all the traffic is the river, and if you just swim down that, it's completely relaxing and refreshing." David also spoke about the dangers of river swimming. He always checks the temperature before diving in. Not everyone can swim to work in the city. In Central London, it is illegal to swim in the River Thames.

