新奇事件簿 微笑表情符号危害职业(在线收听

New research suggests that using smiley face emojis in work e-mails could jeopardize your career. Researchers from a university in Israel report that people inserting emojis in work-related mail are likely to be deemed stupid and incompetent. The researchers conducted experiments on 549 professionals from 29 different countries to gauge their reaction to emojis. The professionals had to "evaluate both the competence and warmth" of the e-mail writer. Dr Ella Glikson said: "Our findings provide first-time evidence that, contrary to actual smiles, smileys do not increase perceptions of warmth and actually decrease perceptions of competence." She added: "In formal business e-mails, a smiley is not a smile."

最新研究显示,在工作邮件中使用微笑表情符号会危害你的职业。来自以色列一所大学的研究人员报道称,在工作邮件中插入表情符号可能被认为是愚蠢而无能的。研究人员对来自29个国家的549位专家做了实验,衡量他们对表情符号的反应。这些专家需要评估邮件发送者的“能力和诚意”。Ella Glikson博士表示:“我们的研究结果首次提供证据表明,与真正的微笑相比,微笑的表情符号不会让你显得更温暖,反而会让对方觉得你没能力。她补充说:“在正式的商业邮件中,微笑表情并不代表微笑。”

Other research has also shown that emojis are often misunderstood. Some of this misunderstanding is related to how the reader or viewer interprets the emoji design. In other cases, there is a technological problem. The emoji that was typed in by the writer is not shown in the same way in the e-mail received and read by the reader. This happens when the writer and reader of an e-mail do not use the same software or operating system for their devices. Emojis originated on Japanese mobile phones in the late 1990s. They quickly spread in popularity and now more than six billion of them are sent every day around the world. There is even a World Emoji Day, which is celebrated on July the 17th every year.

