2020年经济学人 家庭娱乐专栏--笑料百出(1)(在线收听

Books & arts


home entertainment


Musical high jinks


Played for laughs


A Norwegian comedy duo find inspiration in banality


The song begins in typical power-ballad fashion, with plaintive piano chords and rumbling strings. Soon, though, the lyrics go awry. The lead singer reflects on his good fortune—a successful career on television, a passionate marriage, a “thousand- dollar haircut”—but laments that he is tormented day and night by a single question. Such soft-rock numbers usually dwell on a former lover or missed opportunity; what preoccupies this man is a prehistoric monument in south-west England. “What’s the deal with Stonehenge?”he cries, his white shirt billowing in the wind. Is it “a giant granite birthday cake, or a prison far too easy to escape”?


There are few more enjoyable ways to while away an evening in lockdown than discovering the work of Ylvis, a Norwegian comedy duo.Made up of brothers Vegard and Bard Ylvisaker, the band produces delightfully absurd pastiches of various kinds of music. Many of the songs were written in English for their variety TV show, “Tonight With Ylvis”, and are best consumed on YouTube with the zany accompanying videos. This is music designed to be appreciated at home, where the lyrics can be easily digested and the videos paused or repeated when laughter ensues.

