英国新闻听力 日本的新潮流(在线收听



bespoke adj. 预定的,定制的

ostentatious adj. 夸张的,虚饰的,外观美丽的

facsimile n. 精摹,复制

replica n. 复制品,拷贝

trudge v. 跋涉,吃力地走

don v. 穿(衣),装出……的样子

perm n. 电烫的头发

Trends in Japan

THE HOST: Now this week's trend track down on Culture Shock comes from Tokyo where Nicole Fall is on the line. Nicole, I understand that weddings are changing in Japan.

NICOLE: That's right. Weddings have become more bespoke in Japan.

THE HOST: And I've heard that they are looking for a more Western-style ostentatious wedding, the big white dress wedding.

NICOLE: Absolutely. You may even see a Christian element, a Shinto element (Shinto being the local religion) and as many as four changes of dress in one wedding.

THE HOST: And churches are being built, not real churches, but I suppose facsimiles of churches. Some of them being built in shopping malls.

NICOLE: That's right. People can get married here in shopping malls that were built a few years ago and inside there will be a replica church taken from the middle ages in terms of image and while shoppers trudge around with bags of shopping, you'll see the happy couple walking down an aisle and crowds of people celebrating their wedding day.

THE HOST: Solves the problem for those quests who have forgotten to buy a present, I guess.

NICOLE: Absolutely. And I suppose their outfit too.

THE HOST: Next middle-aged men driving the fashion market in an unexpected direction.

NICOLE: Yes, these middle-aged men in Japan are known as Choi Waru Oyaji. And the translation of this is middle-aged men who are a bit naughty.

THE HOST: Aren't they all?

NICOLE: What these middle-aged men are doing that is different from their predecessors is instead of wearing boring grey suits and their comb-over hairstyles, they are all shaving their heads and donning things like lime green jackets

THE HOST: Why now? What's changed to make these men wake up and start dressing in this completely unexpected way?

NICOLE: I think one of their style leaders was the former prime minister Koizumi who was immensely proud of his perm and here was this politician, or the prime minister of the country standing there and all of a sudden you had a generation of middle-aged men thinking oh maybe there is hope for all of us.

THE HOST: They were really taking their fashion cues from their political leaders, were they?

NICOLE: Political leaders were one of the fashion cues. Another is that in Japan things really are changing here. Women traditionally would leave the workplace after getting married, but finally women are pushing the glass ceiling and staying in the work place. Now men are surrounded by women and it's vanity also playing a factor.

















