新奇事件簿 光污染带走夜晚黑暗(在线收听

The amount and brightness of light from towns and cities around the world is at such a high level that it is reducing the darkness of night. Once upon a time, when night-time fell, we were plunged into darkness. Things are different, and brighter today. A study published in the journal Science Advances reports that artificial light at night is increasing in most countries worldwide. Scientists say it grew by 2.2 per cent a year between 2012 and 2016. The intrusion of artificial light into our night-time is causing us many problems. The International Dark-Sky Association says it, "is not only impairing our view of the universe, it is adversely affecting our environment, our safety, our energy consumption and our health".


Study co-author Franz Holker said artificial light is a threat to our natural environment. He said: "Artificial light is an environmental pollutant that threatens nocturnal animals and affects plants and microorganisms." He added: "[It] has ecological and evolutionary implications for many organisms from bacteria to mammals, including us humans, and may reshape entire social ecological systems." Many environmentalists thought the introduction of LED lights would help the planet. However, cities are using more LED lights because they are cheaper, which is adding to the light pollution. Night-time light decreased in 16 countries, including war-torn nations such as Yemen and Syria.

研究联合作者Franz Holker表示,人造光线对我们的自然环境来说是一个威胁。他说:“人造光线是一种环境污染,威胁夜间动物,影响植物和微生物。”他补充说:“人造光线对许多有机体有着生态和进化方面的影响,从细菌到哺乳动物,包括我们人类,或许会重新塑造整个社会生态系统。”许多环境保护学家认为LED灯的引入可以帮助地球。然而,由于LED灯比较便宜,城市使用的LED灯越来越多,从而增加了光污染。不过,16个国家的夜间光线减少,包括战乱频仍的也门和叙利亚等国。

