新奇事件簿 法国努力终止针对女性的暴力(在线收听

French President Emmanuel Macron has started a new project to try and bring an end to violence against women. The project aims to educate the public and schoolchildren about sexism and violence against women. It will also improve police support for victims of domestic violence. President Macron spoke about the project on Saturday, which was the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The new project has many aims. One aim is to teach school children about pornography. A second goal is to make it easier for rape and assault victims to go to the police. Another plan is to introduce stronger laws against harassing people in the street.

法国总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)开展了一个新的项目,试图终止女性遭遇的暴力。该项目旨在教育公众和学校儿童针对女性的性别歧视和暴力。该项目还将改善警方对家暴受害者的支持。马克龙总统周六讲话提到了该项目。周六刚好是“消除对妇女暴力国际日”。这个新的项目有许多目的。其中一个目的是教会学校儿童有关色情文学的内容。第二个目标是让强奸和人身侵犯受害者更容易找到警察。另一个计划是制定光天化日下骚扰女性的更有力的法律。

President Macron has made reducing violence against women one of his main projects. During his speech, he observed a minute's silence for the 123 women killed by their husband or ex-husband in 2016. One woman is killed in France every three days. Mr Macron said: "France should no longer be one of those countries where women live in fear." Fewer than one woman in five goes to the police to report violence against them. Macron said: "Criminals who harass, insult, touch, or attack women must be identified and brought to justice." Macron's speech comes at a time when a growing number of powerful men in Hollywood, business, politics and the media face charges of sexual assault.


