新奇事件簿 科学家找到一块圣诞老人的骨头(在线收听

Scientists from Oxford University in the UK believe they have found a bone that belonged to Santa Claus. The real name of Santa Claus is St Nicholas. He was a Christian holy man who lived in the 4th century in what is now Turkey. He died in the year 343. There are stories that he created many miracles, which is why the Christian church made him a saint. The scientists said the bone is from when St Nicholas lived. An archaeologist said: "This bone…suggests that we could possibly be looking at remains from St Nicholas himself." St Nicholas is the saint of children and students. There are stories that he secretly gave presents to poor people. This is the story behind today's Santa Claus.


Santa Claus has other names. His name can be shortened to Santa. In many countries, he is called Father Christmas. He is a legendary character who brings presents to the homes of well-behaved children on the evening of the 24th of December (Christmas Eve). Badly-behaved children get a piece of coal. He delivers the presents on a sleigh, which is pulled through the air by his flying reindeer. Santa Claus is usually seen as an over-weight, happy, smiling man with a white beard. He wears a red coat with a white fur collar and cuffs, red trousers, a black leather belt and black boots. He lives in the North Pole, where he has a toy-making workshop. Children today can track his Christmas Eve journey online.

圣诞老人还有其他的名字。他的名字可被缩写成Santa。在许多国家,他也被称为Father Christmas。他是一个传奇人物,在12月24号晚上(平安夜)将礼物带给乖巧的小孩。而表现不好的小孩则会得到一块煤炭。他乘坐雪橇分发礼物,会飞的驯鹿拉着雪橇穿梭于天空。圣诞老人被看成是一名快乐的胖胖的男人,留着白色的胡子,脸上还挂着微笑。他穿着领口和袖子都是白色软毛的红色外套,配上红色的长裤、黑色的皮带以及黑色的靴子。他住在北极,他的玩具制造厂就在那。如今孩子们能够在线追寻他的平安夜之旅。
