新奇事件簿 饥饿北极熊觅食视频走红网络(在线收听

A video of a starving and emaciated polar bear collapsing in Canada's wilderness has gone viral on the Internet. The video shows the bear in search of food, wandering across land with no snow or ice. The creature is all skin and bones and is seen foraging for food in rusty waste containers. It is at times too weak to support its own body weight and has difficulty standing. Paul Nicklen, the photographer who took the video footage, stated the polar bear's plight was a clear sign of the devastating impact of climate change. He said filming the animal had been heart-wrenching. He explained his team were, "pushing through their tears and emotions while documenting this dying polar bear".

加拿大荒地里一只憔悴的北极熊因饥饿而瘫倒的视频走红网络。视频中,这只北极熊徘徊在没有冰雪覆盖的陆地上寻觅食物。这只骨瘦如柴的生物正在生锈的废弃容器中寻找食物。它因过于虚弱而无法支撑本身的体重,就连站立都变得困难。拍摄这组视频的摄影师保罗. 尼克伦(Paul Nicklen)说道,这只北极熊此刻的境况正是气候变化灾难性影响的明确信号。他表示拍摄动物的过程令人心痛。他说道,“当记录这只垂死的北极熊时,他的团队成员数次哽咽且心情沉重”。

Mr Nicklen is part of the environmental group Sea Legacy. His team was on Canada's Baffin Island to shoot a documentary on conservation. He said the bear they filmed was not old and probably died within hours. He said: "This is what starvation looks like. The muscles atrophy. No energy. It's a slow, painful death." He blamed the bear's sad plight on global warming. He said: "As temperatures rise and sea ice melts, polar bears lose access to the main staple of their diets - seals." Climate change is the biggest threat to the world’s 26,000 polar bears. The video explains that bears are, "starving, and running out of energy" and are "forced to wander into human settlements for any source of food."

尼克伦先生是环保组织-海洋遗产的一员。他的团队驻扎在加拿大的巴芬岛上,拍摄关于保护的纪录片。他说道,他们拍摄的这只北极熊年龄并不大,却可能会在几小时内死去。他还说道:“这就是挨饿的样子。肌肉都萎缩了。没有丝毫活力。这是一种缓慢而痛苦的死亡。” 他将这只北极熊的凄惨困境归咎于全球变暖。他表示:“随着气温升高以及海上浮冰融化,北极熊失去了它们的主要食物来源-海豹。”气候变化是世界上26000头北极熊的最大威胁。视频中的北极熊,“饥饿且体力耗尽”,“它们被迫来到人类的居所寻找任何食物来源。”
