新奇事件簿 社交媒体正在损害我们的社会(在线收听

A former Facebook executive has said social media is doing great harm to society around the world. The executive is a man called Chamath Palihapitiya. He joined Facebook in 2007 and became a vice president. He was responsible for increasing the number of users Facebook had. Mr Palihapitiya said he feels very guilty about getting more people to use social networks. He said the networks are destroying society because they are changing people's behavior. Twenty years ago, people talked to each other face to face. Today, people message each other and do not talk. People also really care about what other people think of them. They post photos and wait to see how many people like the photo. They get very sad if people do not like the photo.

前任Facebook高管称社交媒体对社会造成巨大损害。该高管名叫查马斯·帕里哈毕提亚(Chamath Palihapitiya)他于2007年加入Facebook并担任副总裁一职。他负责增加Fackbook现有用户数量。帕里哈毕提亚先生表示让更多的人使用社交网络,他感到很内疚。他说道,互联网正在摧毁我们的社会,因为它改变了人们的行为举止。二十年前,人们面对面交谈。而今天,大家互相发讯息而不交谈。人们还是一样在乎别人对自己的看法。他们po出照片,等着看有多人喜欢他们的照片。如果人们不喜欢这些照片,他们会很难过。

Mr Palihapitiya said people should take a long break from social media so they can experience real life. He wants people to value each other instead of valuing online "hearts, likes, and thumbs-up". Palihapitiya also points out how fake news is affecting how we see the world. It is becoming easier for large websites to spread lies. It is also becoming easier to hurt other people online. Anyone can hide behind a fake user name and post lies about other people. Palihapitiya said this was a global problem. He is worried about social media so much that he has banned his children from using it. However, he did state that Facebook was a good company. He said: "Of course, it's not all bad. Facebook overwhelmingly does good in the world."


