新奇事件簿 能够在夜晚发光的植物(在线收听

Scientists have created plants that glow in the dark. They are hoping to produce plants that can light up our lives. The scientists are from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA. They hope their discovery could lead to plant lights replacing electric lights. One day, even light that trees produce could replace street lights. Professor Michael Strano, lead author of the research, explained that his team wants to create sustainable light sources and help the environment. He said: "The vision is to make a plant that will function as a desk lamp - a lamp that you don't have to plug in. The light is ultimately powered by the energy metabolism of the plant itself."

科学家们创造出了能够在夜晚发光的植物。他们希望制造出能够照亮日常生活的植物。参与此研究的科学家均来自美国麻省理工学院。他们希望他们的发现能够让植物光代替电光。希望未来,树木发出的光亮都能够代替街灯。该研究带头人,迈克尔·斯特拉诺教授(Michael Strano)解释道,他的团队想要创造出可持续且环保的光源。他说道:“我们的愿景是希望制造出一种能够有台灯一样功能的植物——一种不用插入电源的灯。基本上是依靠植物本身的能量代谢发电。”

The researchers got the idea for their lighting plants from fireflies. They looked at the substance in fireflies that makes them glow. They created nanoparticles that contain the substance. They then put the nanoparticles into plant leaves to make them glow. The scientists were able to make plants that glowed for nearly four hours. The research team has tested the substance on salad leaves, including spinach and watercress. Professor Strano said: "Our target is to perform one treatment, when the plant is a seedling or a mature plant, and have it last for the lifetime of the plant." He thinks plant lights will be a part of our life in the future. He said: "We think this is an idea whose time has come."

