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Scientists have cast new light on the effects our diet has on our mental health. Researchers say what we eat affects and alters our brain chemistry up until the age of 30. They say this explains why older adults are more emotionally stable and resilient than under-30s. The research was conducted by a team led by Lina Begdache, a professor of health and wellness studies. Researchers said that while the link between our diet and diabetes, heart disease and obesity is well established, there is a paucity of research on the influence our dietary intake has on mental health. The researchers also suggested that mental well-being stimulated healthy eating, healthy practices, and exercising.

饮食影响着我们的心理健康,科学家们为这一说法提出了新的阐述。研究员们表示,我们所吃的会影响并改变我们的脑化学,一直到30岁为止。他们还说到,这也解释了为什么老年人比不到30多岁的人情绪更加稳定、更愉悦。该研究的团队带头人是丽娜.贝格达奇(Lina Begdache),她是一名从事卫生和健康研究的教授。研究员说虽然我们的饮食和糖尿病、心脏病和肥胖密切相关,但关于人类饮食摄入量对心理健康影响的研究却很少。研究员们同样认为心理健康会刺激健康饮食、健康锻炼以及运动。

The research was carried out via an anonymous internet-based survey. It was sent through social media platforms to different professional and social group networks. Professor Begdache found that adults under 30 who ate fast food more than three times a week scored higher on levels of mental distress, anxiety and depression. She said that for adults over 30, the study found that eating less carbohydrates and more fruit reduced anxiety and depression. Begdache pointed to research showing how a Mediterranean diet was as good for our brain as for our body. She said: "It has all the components that are important for the healthy structure of the brain."

