新奇事件簿 自拍咖啡 咖啡制作新艺术(在线收听

A cafe in London has started a personalized way of making coffee. It is a new form of barista art called the "selfieccino". A barista is someone who makes the coffee, lattes and frappuccinos in coffee shops. They used to draw chocolate hearts, flowers and swirls in the white froth of the coffee. However, they have now taken that to a new level. They can now put a picture of a customer's face in the white frothy coffee topping. This means coffee lovers can sip on a cup of coffee with their own self-portrait in it. The cafe is called the Tea Terrace. It is located in one of London's top shopping areas, Oxford Street. The cafe sold over 400 of the personalized drinks within days of starting the service earlier this week.

伦敦一家咖啡店推出一种制作咖啡的个性化方法。这是一种咖啡师艺术的新形式,被称为“selfieccino”。咖啡师是咖啡店中制作咖啡、拿铁和星冰乐的店员。过去他们是在咖啡的白色泡沫上用巧克力画些桃心、花朵和旋涡。而现在他们将这门艺术带到了新的高度。现在他们能够将客户的面部照片画在咖啡白色泡沫上。这意味着爱喝咖啡的人能够喝到带有自己自画像的咖啡。这家咖啡店名为Tea Terrace,位于伦敦高级购物区之一的牛津街。自本周早些时候开始这项服务以来,该咖啡店已卖出400多杯个性化咖啡。

Baristas make use of technology to put the portraits of people on top of the coffee. Customers send a picture of their face on an online messaging app. The barista then uses a machine called a "Cino" to change the picture into an image on the white froth using different food colourings. The whole process takes about four minutes and costs $7.50 for the selfie in the coffee. The owner of the cafe, Ehab Salem Shouly, explained why he started the selfieccino service. He said: "It's not enough any more to just deliver great food and great service. It's got to be Instagram worthy." People want to take photos of everything they do and post their images on social media.

咖啡师运用技术将客户画像画在咖啡之上。客户通过在线信息app将他们自己的脸部画像发送给咖啡师。然后,咖啡师用一台被称为“Cino”的机器将照片变为图像并用不同的食物色素将画像画在白色泡沫之上。整个过程需要约四分钟,每杯自画像咖啡7.5美元。咖啡店店主Ehab Salem Shouly解释了他开始这项selfieccino服务的原因。他说道:“仅提供好的食物和服务远远不够。自拍咖啡应该值得传上Instagram。”人们喜欢将自己做的事拍下来并将他们的图像传上社交媒体。
