新奇事件簿 沉迷游戏也是一种精神疾病(在线收听

The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that too much gaming is officially a mental health problem. The WHO has put "gaming addiction" as a mental health condition on its official list of diseases. The list is called the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). It says that gaming disorder happens when people cannot stop playing and gaming becomes more important than other interests in life. The WHO says this must happen for at least a year for a doctor to say someone has gaming disorder. Someone with gaming disorder will insist on gaming even if they know they have a problem and they have suffered "negative consequences" from gaming too much.


The WHO said doctors should be aware that addiction to gaming is a clear and present danger to people's health because it has "serious" consequences. A WHO spokesman said: "Most people who play video games don't have a disorder, just like most people who drink alcohol don't have a disorder either. However, in certain circumstances, overuse can lead to adverse effects." Some doctors believe that too much gaming should not be considered a mental illness. Psychiatrist Allen Frances compared an addiction to gaming to coffee addiction. He said: "Billions of people around the world are hooked on caffeine for fun or better functioning, but only rarely does this cause more trouble than its worth."

WHO称,医生应该意识到游戏瘾对人类健康有着明确且现实的危险,因为游戏瘾会导致‘严重’的后果。WHO发言人说道:“大部分打游戏的人并未患有紊乱疾病,就像大多数嗜酒者没有紊乱疾病一样。然而在某种情况下,过度沉迷就会导致一些不良反应。”一些医生认为过度游戏不应该被认为是一种精神疾病。精神学家艾伦·弗郎西斯(Allen Frances)将游戏瘾比作咖啡瘾。他说:“世界上有数十亿人沉迷咖啡因带来的乐趣或更好的状态,但很少人会因为咖啡瘾而出现问题。”
