新奇事件簿 好莱坞众女星反对性骚扰行动(在线收听

Over 300 women in Hollywood have joined together to fight sexual harassment. They have started a movement called 'Time's Up'. They want men to know that time is up for women not being treated fairly and equally. They are angry about the inequality in the movie industry and the amount of harassment working-class women face around the USA. The women are famous actresses, as well as female agents, directors, executives and producers. The group paid for a letter to be printed in newspapers. It said: "The struggle for women to break in, to rise up the ranks and to simply be heard and acknowledged in male-dominated workplaces must end". It added that "time's up" for men controlling everything.

好莱坞三百多名女性共同加入反抗性骚扰的行动之中。她们发起了一场名为‘Time's Up’的行动。她们想让男人们明白女性遭遇不平等对待的日子结束了。她们对电影行业内女性遭遇的不公平对待以及美国工人阶级女性所面临的大量骚扰事件感到愤怒。参与活动的女性均为著名演员、女性经纪人、导演、执行以及出品人。该组织自费将一封信印刷到了报纸上。信中说道:“女性打入高层、提高地位以及在男性主导的工作场合中得到重视和认可的努力应该被终止了。”信中还说道,男性掌控一切的时候结束了。

The Time's Up movement started in October, soon after many top actresses reported that movie producer Harvey Weinstein had sexually harassed them. Its leaders have asked actresses to wear black when they walk along the red carpet of The Golden Globes awards ceremony on Sunday. They want women to use the red carpet to speak out against gender and racial inequality. Actress Eva Longoria said: "For years, we've sold these awards shows as women, with our gowns and colors and our beautiful faces and our glamour." She added that: "This time, the industry cannot expect us to go up and twirl around. That's not what this moment is about."

Time's Up行动开始于十月,不久前许多著名女演员都声称受到了电影制片人哈维·韦恩斯坦的性骚扰。该场行动的领头人们要求女演员们在周天的金球奖颁奖红毯上穿着黑衣。她们希望女演员们利用走红毯的机会大胆抗议性别和种族歧视。女演员伊娃·朗格利亚表示:“多年来,我们都将女演员们的礼服和色彩以及我们美丽的面孔和魅力当做颁奖典礼的卖点。”她还说道:“这一次,电影行业不能再期待我们上台转圈了。这并不是颁奖典礼本意。”
