新奇事件簿 近六百名自愿者充当临时爸爸(在线收听

A junior high school in Texas, USA was pleasantly surprised after being swamped by volunteers to stand in for absent fathers. Billy Earl Dade Middle School, in the city of Dallas, posted on Facebook asking for 50 male volunteers to substitute for absent fathers in an event called "Breakfast with Dads". Event organizers were inundated with replies. They said they were astounded after nearly 600 men responded to the request and turned up at the event. The school's inaugural "Breakfast with Dads" event was to enhance community spirit. Around 90 per cent of the children come from low-income families. Many of the students did not have a father who was able to participate in the event.

美国德克萨斯州的一所初中惊喜地发现很多自愿者都来到学校扮演临时父亲的角色。达拉斯市的Billy Earl Dade中学在Facebook上发帖召集50名男性志愿者扮演临时父亲并参加“和爸爸一起吃早餐”的活动。活动的举办者很快便收到了回复。他们表示自己的非常震惊,因为有将近600位男士响应请求并出席了活动。学校举办“和爸爸一起吃早餐”的活动是为了增进团体精神。学校90%的孩子都来自于低收入家庭。其中多数学生的父亲都无法出席活动。

The school said the "Breakfast with Dads" event was part of an overall plan to improve its academic position. Community leaders, mentors and local organizations have combined to implement various projects to increase test scores. There has been some academic improvement at the school as a result of their efforts. A local pastor, the Reverend Donald Parish Jr, said: "When a young person sees someone other than their teacher take interest in them, it inspires them." A school liaison officer, Ellyn Favors, commented on the success of the event. She said: "The look of awe, even disbelief, in students' eyes as they made their way through the crowd of "Dads" was astonishing."

学校表示“和爸爸一起吃早餐”的活动是提高学术地位全面计划的一部分。团体领导、指导老师以及当地组织联合执行各种项目活动以提高考试分数。学术成绩的提高是学生们努力的结果。当地的一名牧师Reverend Donald Parish Jr表示:“当少年们看到除老师之外还有别人对他们感兴趣时,会激励他们。”一名学校联络官,Ellyn Favors就此次活动的成功举办作出评价。她说道:“当学生们经过“临时父亲们”时,他们眼中的敬畏、甚至怀疑真的非常震惊。”
