新奇事件簿 曼谷“蟹肉蛋卷女王”的米其林之星(在线收听

A street-food seller in Bangkok wants to give back a top international chef's award. The street-food seller is known as the "crab omelet queen". Her name is Supinya Junsuta but she calls herself Jai Fai. Her street stall is in the middle of Bangkok and it is called Raan Jai Fai. Her crab omelets are of such good quality that the international dining guide Michelin awarded her a Michelin Star. A Michelin Star is one of the highest awards any chef in the world can receive. It is usually only given to chefs in top hotels and restaurants. Michelin announced it would be adding Bangkok to its fine dining lists. Many people were surprised that a street-food seller in Bangkok received the Michelin Star.

曼谷一名街边小吃店主想要归还一项国际顶级厨师奖。这名街边小吃店主被称为“蟹肉蛋卷女王”。她的名字叫做Supinya Junsuta,但她自称为Jai Fai。她的街边摊位位于曼谷中心,是一家名叫Raan Jai Fai的小店。她所做的蟹肉蛋卷品质上乘,因此国际餐饮指南《米其林指南》为其授予了米其林之星。米其林之星是授予全球厨师的顶级奖项,仅授予顶级酒店和餐厅的厨师。米其林宣布会将曼谷收录其高级餐厅名单中。许多人都非常惊讶,曼谷的一家街边小吃居然能获得米其林之星。

Chefs are usually happy to get the Michelin Star, but Jai Fai, 72, has told reporters she is not so pleased that she got the award. She wants to return the star to Michelin. Ms Fai said the star has changed her life too much. She wants to go back to how her life was before. She said she does not like the fame that has come with the star. One reason is that too many people are surrounding her stall and she is getting stressed. Tourists come to take photos; passers-by stop to watch her; and even some officials from the tax department came to visit her. Fai said: "Many people come just to look and take pictures and not necessarily to eat." She said happy customers are more important to her than "a million stars".

厨师们获得米其林之星后通常都会非常开心,但72岁的Jai Fai却告诉记者,获奖后她并不开心。她想要将米其林之星归还给米其林。Fai女士表示这个米其林之星给她的生活带来了太多的变化。她想要回归以前的生活。她表示自己并不喜欢米其林之星所带来的名望。其中一个原因是,太多人都围在她的摊位前让她感到紧张。游客来此拍照;过路人停下看着她;甚至一些税务局的官员都来看望她。Fai说道:“许多人过来只是为了看看并拍照而不是为了吃东西。” 与她而言,开心的客户比“一百万颗星”更重要。
