新奇事件簿 特朗普称移民国家为‘粪坑’(在线收听

US President Donald Trump has caused outrage worldwide after he reportedly made racially charged comments about Haiti, El Salvador and African countries. He was in a meeting on immigration with lawmakers on Thursday when he asked why the US allowed people from "sh*thole countries" into the country. He was also reported as saying: "We need more people from Norway." Senator Dick Durbin, who attended the meeting, described Trump's words as "hate filled, vile and racist". The White House did not deny that Trump made the remarks. A spokesman said: "Certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries, but President Trump will always fight for the American people."


There has been a lot of condemnation of Mr Trump's alleged comments. Republican Senator Mia Love said: "The President must apologize to…the nations he so wantonly maligned." The United Nations has condemned the reported description of African nations and Haiti as "shocking and shameful", and "racist". Haiti's ambassador to the United States stated: "If the statements were made, the President was either misinformed or mis-educated about Haiti and its people." President Trump denied making the comments in a tweet. He wrote: "Never said anything derogatory about Haitians other than Haiti is, obviously a very poor and troubled country….I have a wonderful relationship with Haitians."

