新奇事件簿 美国旅游胜地地位不保(在线收听

Spain is set to replace the USA as the world's second most popular tourist destination. This is according to statistics from the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The number of international tourists arriving in Spain grew by over 7 per cent in 2017. Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy corroborated the figures. He said the country had a record year in 2017, with more than 82 million international visitors. The growing number of international arrivals continues a growing trend. The figure for 2017 broke Spain's tourist arrival records for the fifth straight year. This is despite the terror attack on Barcelona in August, and demonstrations and unrest in Spain's Catalonia region for independence.

西班牙取代美国成为世界第二受欢迎的旅游胜地。数据来源于联合国世界旅游组织(UNWTO)。2017年游览西班牙的国际游客数量增长超过7%。西班牙首相马里亚诺·拉霍伊(Mariano Rajoy)证实了该数据。他表示2017年游览西班牙的国际游客超过0.82亿人次,创造了最高纪录。国际游客数量呈继续增长趋势。2017年的数据连续第五年打破西班牙的游客抵达记录。虽然在8月份巴塞罗那遭遇恐怖袭击,而西班牙加泰罗尼亚地区也遭遇民众的要求独立游行。

There was an 8 per cent increase in tourism to Europe in 2017. The UNWTO said: "Led by Mediterranean destinations, Europe recorded extraordinary results for such a large and rather mature region." Africa is increasingly becoming an established and attractive destination and tourism there also went up by 8 per cent. Asia and the Pacific saw growth of 6 per cent, the Middle East recorded 5 per cent, and tourism to the Americas grew by 3 per cent. The UNWTO added: "International travel continues to grow strongly, consolidating the tourism sector as a key driver in economic development." France retained its position as the world's top tourist destination.

