新奇事件簿 纽约所有囚犯都可获得免费平板电脑(在线收听

All prisoners in the U.S. state of New York are to be given free tablet computers. The freebies are part of a deal struck between a private communications service called JPay and New York's prison service. The lucrative but controversial agreement involves the contractor providing 54,700 convicts with a free tablet. The tablets will not be Internet enabled, but prisoners will be able to get limited, but monitored, online access by plugging their device into approved kiosks at specific times. Inmates will be allowed to email an approved list of family and friends; order certain music, books and videos; and file grievances and reports of abuse. All of this activity will be heavily monitored by prison staff.


Prisoner support services welcomed the free tablet initiative. They called it a "game-changer" and a "huge step forward". A New York State official said the tablets would help prisoners remain closer to their families, and reduce tensions between prisoners and prison guards. However, law enforcement agencies are questioning the wisdom of giving tablets to convicts. Some law enforcement officers described it as a good example of how crime does pay. Top police officer Ed Mullins questioned why prisoners were getting free tablets when other people in society are struggling. He said: "Little is done for the homeless, mentally ill, and hard-working people who can't afford tablets in New York State."

囚犯后勤处欢迎免费平板电脑的倡议。他们将之称为一次“改变传统规则的创新”以及一次“巨大的进步”。纽约州一名官员表示平板电脑将帮助囚犯们和家人更加亲近,还能帮助减缓犯人与监狱看守之间的紧张。然而,执法机构则质疑为罪犯提供平板电脑这一做法是否明智。一些执法人员将其描述为犯人们获得报酬的好例子。最高警官Ed Mullins质疑为什么当社会中其他人还在为生活挣扎的时候,犯人们却能得到免费平板电脑。他说道:“纽约州为无家可归的人、患精神疾病的人以及努力工作却买不起平板电脑的人所做的太少了。”
