新奇事件簿 一名美国女士醒后拥有英式口音(在线收听

An American woman has been diagnosed with the rare Foreign Accent Syndrome. The woman, Michelle Myers, 45, said that in 2015 she went to bed with a "blinding headache" and woke up with a British accent. The accent has remained with her ever since. Ms Myers said she has woken up speaking a variety of accents before. She was totally perplexed at waking up and speaking with an Australian or Irish accent. These disappeared after two weeks but the UK accent has remained. Myers told journalists that she found her condition, "really difficult to begin with". She said: "It was hard because I was really struggling. I have come to terms with the fact that I might sound like this forever. I realize it's part of me now."

一名美国女士被确诊患有稀有的外国口音综合症。该名45岁的米歇尔.迈尔斯(Michelle Myers)称,在2015年,她因剧烈的头疼而上床休息,醒来后便会说英式口音了。此后这种英式口音便一直随着她。迈尔斯女士表示此前她也在醒来后会说各种各样的口音。她对自己醒来后便会说澳大利亚或爱尔兰口音感到困惑。这些口音在两周后便消失了,但英式口音却保留了下来。迈尔斯告诉记者要适应这种症状“非常困难”。她说道:“这很困难因为我真的很挣扎。我必须认清这个事实:我可能以后永远都是这种口音了。现在我意识到这是属于我的一部分。”

Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS) is a disorder that typically occurs after strokes or traumatic brain injuries that damage the language center of our brain. It varies in the degree to which it affects someone's language and accent. In some cases, someone's native language sounds like it is tinged with a foreign accent; in other instances, rhythm, stress and pronunciation can completely change. The condition was first documented in 1907 by French neurologist Pierre Marie. It is a relatively rare condition. Only about 60 cases of FAS have been documented over the past century. One of these was a Japanese stroke patient who woke up sounding Korean, even though he had never been to Korea.

外国口音综合症(FAS)是在中风或遭遇大脑语言中枢损坏的创伤性脑损伤后会出现的典型症状。对患者的语言和口音有着不同程度的影响。在一些情况下,患者的母语听起来会带有外国口音;在其他例子中,患者语言的节奏、重音和发音会完全改变。这种症状于1907年首次由法国神经学家皮埃尔·玛里(Pierre Marie)进行记录。这是一种相当罕见的症状。在过去几个世纪中,FAS所记录的案例仅约60起。其中一起是一名日本中风患者醒来后便会说韩语,虽然他从未去过韩国。
